Icelandic Fitness


Jason was recommended to me when my previous trainer moved out of state. I'm pretty picky. I don't want to do a "set" and then rest, and then do another "set" of the same exercise and rest again. I want an efficient and effective total-body workout that I can knock out in a 30 minute session. I said this to Jason the first time I met him. And over two years later, I consider myself lucky to have found him. He offers that perfect balance of challenging exercises and gentle encouragement that is unique and tough to find in a personal trainer. He provides creative exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once in a quick circuit. It is highly efficient and never redundant. Whatever your fitness goals are - improving your golfing, cycling, skiing, running, or just being a healthier you - he's the best. Jason is one of the most genuine people I know. As other reviewers have mentioned, he works with you without a hint of judgement or disappointment that you haven't fully succeeded yet. He understands that everything is a journey and he's there to assist you in any way he can. He's one of my favorite people, too, and I am grateful to have him in my support network. I highly recommend him. If you are considering an investment in your health - hopefully you are by reading this review - you will call Jason and set up a consultation. You are worth it. He is a highly qualified professional. You won't be disappointed.