Blast! Fitness - Camelback


over chargeing and charging me for months i wasnt even there. and still have not paid me back.

Low cost for good value. I've been with Blast for 10-months now and having no problems. Been reading problems from others, but really isn't any hidden fees, it's all listed in your contact. This site is better then the Indian School site.

MAN this gym is totally a black market. They will get your money in any way they can. I am giving them a negative 100 stars. The mother F charged me 100 extra bucks. I wish I could F up the whole management system. AFTER READING this don't even walk by this gym. Trust me its for your own good.

This gym is incredibly deceptive in it's pricing. They tell you it's $11 per month and $19.99 per month but what they don't tell you is that in addition to the monthly charge there is an annual $49.99 fee. This is not an insubstantial increase to the rate. What they also don't tell you is that it they wait 30 days when you tell them to cancel your contract so if you want to use the gym for one month they'll charge you $20 + $20 + 50 = $90 dollars.

I joined this gym because the $11 membership sounded very appealing to me. Immediately after, I noticed that all of their machines looked and felt cheap. The treadmills squeaked like a rusty door hinge, and the overall quality of the entire facility was below a decent standard. The reason I'm giving this business one star is because they also like to cheat people out of money. On top of the $21 you pay to join, the $11 you pay two weeks later, and the $50 you pay after 90 days, they had the nerve to charge me an extra $20 onto my account due to a clause in a contract they never showed me. To top things off, they make you jump through hoops when you want to cancel a membership. Money is hard to come by these days, so don't waste yours on this miserable excuse for a gym.