HealthSPORT Eureka
The very best thing about this gym it the Aqua Conditioning class with Valerie (Val) as the instructor! She is the very best instructor! She does a fantastic job and she cares about everyone in her class! The worst thing about this gym, is how dirty it is... They rarely clean the toilets or mop the shower floors. There are always hair balls and debris. The carpet in the locker room is always dirty. They are out of seat covers and soap, a lot of the time. Britney walks around smacking her gum and doing nothing! She gives plenty of dirty looks and enjoys her bubble gum.... Why cant she pick up some cleaner and a rag and do something! The blonde girl at the desk is also nice and Cassie the Zumba instructor is great!! The facility is nice however and the pool is great. It should be swept out more and cleaned better, but overall its ok. Valerie makes up for the cleanliness, she is the best! Most of the workers are super nice, they just don't really care about cleanliness!