Greeley Recreation Center


I often hop over here for some quick lunch workouts, very relaxed and low-key in the cardio/weight room at that time. The front desk people are friendly and helpful. It's inexpensive, has a decent selection of weights and cardio equipment. There is also a pool, a rock-climbing wall, 2 gyms, racquetball, dance studios, and even a pistol/archery range tucked away downstairs. Your head might spin a little bit figuring out where everything is the first time you come in, but I give it a solid thumbs-up.

Equipment sucks....something is always broken. You have to tell the staff you need help because they're too busy not paying attention to customers. It's just annoying. I applied here a few times, and I'm so surprised I never got a job. I guess they'd rather hire trash that doesn't even pay attention to customers. Also, when my sister and I went swimming the guard tried to tell us to go swim in the kiddie area (we're in our 20's) because a swim team had to leave an outdoor pool because of the lightening...I complained though and we got a refund mailed to us within a week. Conditioning spa is more expensive but has better equipment and the employees are thoughtful.

Love this place

We always played dodge ball in a league and had a blast.