Intrepid Gym


I've been at Intrepid Gym for a little over a year now. Before I started their high intensity program, I wasn't familiar with the HIT concept. If you're looking for real results from your workouts, sign up now. Every time I go to a HIT class, I leave having gotten the best workout possible. It's the real deal.

All it took was one class to be sold. Intrepid is an awesome HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) gym, similar in fashion to Crossfit but without the price (only $85/month). HIIT training is designed for maximum effort in minimum time. In practice a HIIT workout for 25 - 30 min. Should equal something like an hour on the treadmill or personal lifting in the gym. It requires intensity and motivation, which the coaches impart in droves. Classes are held in groups of no more than 15. Everyone does the same workout at the same time but scaled for each individual based on their current level of fitness. The philosophy is too push yourself to your max while still remaining safe. In this way a 300 lbs. former linebacker and a 100 lbs. cheerleader can do the same exact work out and get the same benefits. The gym itself is awesome and there is a definite sense of community. Everyone is extremely friendly. We all share the same goal and help push each other towards accomplishing that. If you're already a hard core fitness buff or someone who is finally ready to make a life change and get healthy, Intrepid is the place for you.