Work Out World


INSTERESTING how other people involve themselves into,..,,people privaye lifes,,,,,stop now trust me karen disarro,,,,,your now nvolved,,,,life is good,,

The "professional" trainers are a complete scam and anything but professional. I had already heard horror stories about them, but then I experienced it. A friend of mine was considering signing up for a professional trainer, so he had an appointment with one, and the "professional" trainer never even showed up. I hear from a lot of people that they give you bad advice so you keep needing them. One of these guys approached me, told me he was the manager, but spoke to me in some improper English, which had me skeptical, using terminology that I wasn't entirely sure of. You're in Buttonwoods FFS, please speak to me in English or Spanish, not some ghetto English. He then lead me to believe that he was giving me a "deal" on the prices, when in fact he was just negotiating fewer meetings. What good is a personal trainer if we don't even see each other? Every time I told him that I would need more time to consider it, he acted like I said something horrible to try to GUILT me into buying his services. How desperate are these people? It's no wonder. Everything I hear and see about these people is terrible.

The staff was great! As soon as a walked in, a employee came up to me and started asking me general questions about what my goals were, why i wanted to join a fitness center and made me feel comfortable and welcomed. I didn't get the male employees name but he was very helpful with walking me threw the gym and showing me different machines that would help me reach my goal. I've been going for 6 months now and i still love it. i also enjoy the "Hi" and "Bye" and smiles I get from employees when i come in and leave the facility.

Work Out World is great! All the employee greet you. Everything is clean and well maintained and there are lots of machines so you don't have to wait for something. There is also always some sort of class going on. What's really great is I can leave my locker with out a lock and no one will steel my stuff, (there isnt much to steel any way, a person would get more money off my dirty socks than my old car). The best part though, out of everything is when people come up to me and say," hey u look good, do you work out?" I can "yea," -make cute pose-"so nice of you to notice" ;). "where do you work out," they will ask and I will merrily shout....."WOW!!!!!!"

I like to lift things up And then put them down