Coops Health & Fitness Club


Good luck cancelling. We moved to Chester from Spartanburg and it's 48.1 miles away and they refuse to cancel and a driver's license updated with the new address has to be only a month old for them to consider it valid. But with our membership it didn't matter because it wasn't 50 miles away. 2 year contract = $766 not even close to worth it. The place that owns Coop's is ABC Financial in Arkansas and there are 795 complaints with the company on BBB. I would not suggest signing a contract at this place for any reason.

The gym itself is fine. My beef is with the membership fees, which are absolutely ridiculous. Well, the cancellation policy at least. I signed up for the gym in November of 2012, not knowing how long I would stay in Spartanburg. I ended up moving to Reno in January 2013. I moved from SC to NV to serve in Reno with AmeriCorps. The stipend I receive is barely enough to make rent and eat and pay my other bills, so naturally, I cannot afford to have a monthly fee auto-drafted from my bank account. When I tried to cancel my membership at Coops, I was given evasive answers on the cancellation protocol. I called the ABC Financial Office, in charge of memberships, and was not helped much either. Since I am subleasing in Reno, my name is not on a lease, proving that I did indeed move. So sending in a copy of my renter's agreement was deemed insufficient to prove that I no longer live within 50 miles of a Coops Gym. With no other option, I had to change my state residency to get rid of the fee. And even so, Coops can still charge me for next month's (March) membership even though I am not physically or geographically able to utilize my membership. Gyms are notorious for making money off of people who do not (or in my case, cannot) use their facilities. Outrageous cancellation policies are just another way to get money from people. This is exploitation and I will never be joining Coops, or any other gym, again.

DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT use this gym!!! The will pressure you into signing up for things you do not want & then you have to jump thew hoops to do the cancelation, then they say you will receive a refund within 30 days. GOOD LUCK GETTING YOUR REFUND!!! It has been 2 1/2 months since I canceled and STILL NO REFUND!!!! I followed everything they said and waited the 30 days and still NOTHING!!! I've called, I have went by & they keep blowing me off. THEY ARE THIEVES!!!!!

Great staff, very clean, modern facilities and plenty to do to get us all in shape !!!

The worst trainer ever and when I canceled my membership they keep takin money out of my bank for 4 mos. I have faxed and faxed,emailed, called and even used bad language. And they say they dont owe me any money. I have all my papers cert mail emails and now I guess I need a lawyer THEY SUCK