Western Pacific CrossFit


My girlfriend and I visited 17 CrossFit gyms in the north Lake Washington area over a 2 month period (crazy, indeed; but a great way to get 2 months of free CrossFit! :-)). We were just about to make our choice before my girlfriend found this Groupon for Western Pacific CrossFit. We were tired of checking out so many gyms, so we weren't too peppy when we got there. That mood was turned on its head the instant we stepped foot in the gym and Coach Nate greeted us. He asked us a little about ourselves, soon had us warming up on the rowers, and nearly had us rolling on the ground with laughter when he told us to channel our inner Chris Farley while doing trunk twists as part of our pre-lift mobilization. Coach Nate and Coach Julie are top-notch. Safety, proper form, support/encouragement, challenge, and fun are the trademarks of their coaching style. I've been amazed at the gains I've made in strength, cardio, and endurance over the past several months that I've been with this gym - and look forward to more! It's a very welcoming and supportive community of people from all sorts of backgrounds and skill levels. I think their motto should be "WestPac: Uniquely Awesome!".

I've been doing CrossFit for almost 2 years. I started out at a gym in Redmond and I loved it. I was hooked right off the bat. I went to Western Pacific CrossFit's (also known as westpac) grand opening and met all the members and the two owners Nate and Julie. After meeting them, I could just tell they had this passion for not only crossfit but me. Only meeting and talking to them once, they made me feel like I had already been going to their gym since the beginning and I knew I had to switch so I did. I LOVE this gym, it's a family feeling not a high school click drama group like some gyms have. By switching to this gym, I was able to attend twice a week classes with an Olympic weight lifting coach, who is legit. I didn't realize until then that some of my daily functions have a HUGE impact on the way I lift and what I can do. One of my favorite things about this gym is when someone who is new or is just dropping in for a wod, before the class starts, the coaches always make it appointment to introduce that person to everyone and we usually go and shake there hands and say hi. It's not that we are supposed to do that, it's because it's a natural thing to do. Westpac in general has made me excited about working out and feeling better about my self. Ego's are left at the door, except for mine because I like to dance to the awesome music during a work out. :)