CrossFit Infusion


I stared going to CrossFit Infusion after I had spent many years working out at traditional gym with and without personal trainers. I was a college athlete and my comfort place was in the gym even after college. When I started at CFI I was amazed at how weak I was in many functional movements (Pull ups, push ups etc). With the help of Beverlee and her programming I have become stronger and fitter (probably more so than in college in some ways). Once I stepped into the CFI Box I was hooked and each day I continue to amazed at what I am able to do. LOVE IT!

LOVE this gym! I was nervous as can be because I had never lifted a weight or ran any distance. In 9 months I have gone from crossfit being the hardest thing I've ever done to being able to climb the rope, do unassisted pull ups and run a mile without stopping! I owe it all to Beverlee's training and the encouraging atmosphere. The people who work out there become your support system and your friends, and I am finally loving to exercise. Thanks Bev!!!!!!!

they treat you like family


This gym changed my life! I first came to CrossFit Infusion about 8 months ago, and I have stayed with it ever since. I lost 25 pounds and gained very much muscle, and a huge amount of confidence. Not to mention an entirely new outlook on life. The people there are very much like a family, and the gym is more like a family. Everyone is very personable and amiable. When you work out next to random people that you barely know, or that you don't even know, and you're shedding puddles of sweat, a very strong rapport is formed. There really is nothing like it; you cannot experience this anywhere else. You have not lived, until you have CrossFitted! Go see for yourself.--Alex S., Age: 14