XSport Fitness


DO NOT SIGN UP WITH XSPORT for the following reasons: 1. Pushy.. they dont care about you, they are all sales focused. They will not take no for an answer.. and once you sign up for something you cannot get out of it. 2. Liars . they will tell you anything to get you to sign up for training sessions or a membership BUT they will never EVER tell you full detail... I signed up for xpress membership where I get to go to multiple locations and bring a guest.. but when i brought my guest they told my guest that they have to pay annual fee just to be a guest and Im like, uh isnt that why I pay $20 a month? and they guy was like... uh yeah but you can only bring a guest at your home location..sooo bs. 3. Dirty - the gym is nothing fancy for an express gym, i get that, but at least dust off the equipment and clean the carpets once in a while! Not everyone at xsport are awful, but if i had to rate my 4 month experience, it would deff be below average. I would rather go to my local rec center!

I've been a member for a few months and the people working there are pretty nice. I've never had a problem with them except for the fact that one time when I was brought someone along and he didn't have an ID so they wouldn't let him in which was BS because they've seen me come in with him before. This place is also crowded sometimes so I wouldn't recommend this place unless if you plan to come here at night, because as far as I know, I've never seen it crowded here in the night time.

Wish I could give them negative stars. Shady business just looking to steal your money by trying to high pressure you into long term, un-cancellable contracts. Lied to mine and my girlfriends face multiple times trying to get us into even high price, ridiculous contracts. Stay away at all costs.

I gotta say, as a member for 6+ months, they treat you pretty nicely and all but the problem is that it usually gets very crowded and I end up having to wait a while for someone to finish doing their workout. Overall I wouldn't recommend it here unless if you plan to come late at night like lets say around 12 or 1 A.M. because I never see too many people at that time.

Too pushy dirty and lies to you over charge you and i cant get rid of the membership
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