For over two years I have lived in chronic, debilitating pain with a diminished quality of life, while teetering on the edge of depression. Each day, merely getting through regular activities was a struggle. Had it not been for the never failing grace of God sustaining me, most days I would have opted to stay in bed. Throughout my struggle, I have poured hundreds of dollars into doctor visits, physical therapy, countless medications, acupuncture, massage, manipulation, epidural steroid injections, scans, MRIs, yoga, etc. and I still hurt as bad today as I did at the onset. Nobody could tell me why I was in pain, so every medication and procedure prescribed was trial-and-error guess work to treat my symptoms. Nothing worked! Frustrated, I began doing my own research for answers and that led me to FITT's website. After my initial FITT consultation, I had a renewed sense of hope that there is a place with people who care and don't want to rush me out of the office with a prescription, following a band-aid procedure. The extensive information provided in the results of my FITT evaluations was astonishing. I am excited to move forward with FITT’s treatment program, confident that since we are treating the CAUSE (not just the symptoms); I am on my way to a pain free, healthier life!