Family YMCA of Marion and Polk Counties


price is competitive, and the variety of services is good. the building itself feels a bit old and in need of upgrading. navigating the maze of stairs and corridors is a challenge at first, but once you're used to where everything is it isn't a big deal. good option for families.

I like this Y. I never had a bad time in any of the classes. They let you go at your own pace and modify if you need to. I am a sporadic attendee, but never have I been made to feel bad about that. The thing I love most about this gym that you really don't have to be beautiful to go. No posers or pick-ups, just health. It is downtown and there is some strangeness, but I have found that to be harmless. Most of the staff is friendly and energetic.

I've been a member of this Y for about 10 years. I love it! Yes, the older building does have some challenges, but the programs and staff more than make up for it. The group exercise classes are AWESOME! They make you work hard, but the staff are supportive and help you reach your goals. I've also met with one of the personal trainers and he is fantastic. I'm planning on putting my daughter in swimming lessons soon and can't wait for her to be old enough to try some of the other activities.

We are luke-warm on the Salem YMCA. We like the fitness instructors and the front desk staff, but we have had a pretty poor time with youth activities. The swim lessons were very poorly structured and I didn't feel my kids gained anything from their classes last summer. Our youth soccer and flag football experience has been HORRIBLE. We have a son on each team and there has been zero communication from the Y. The first games of the season are tomorrow and we still haven't been told what time to be on the field, the kids haven't received their uniforms and one of my sons' hasn't even had a practice yet. He has shown up twice only to have his coach call and cancel the first practice and then have no one show to the second one because the information didn't get to them. Both evenings my son left in tears because he was so disappointed that he didn't get to participate. And I was pretty irritated that he didn't get to participate either, seeing as I PAID for these practices. At this point it is the parents who are holding the leagues together and making sure the kids are having a positive experience. It is leaving me wondering why I paid a registration fee to the YMCA when I could have just got together with some other parents at the park and let the kids play some pick-up games. It would have been the exact same experience. When I took my concerns to the Y, they were polite, but basically shrugged me off saying they had recently fired their athletic program director and were doing their best. If this is true, then I feel they had a duty to inform the parents/players on the teams about the situation to give us the opportunity to sign our kids up for a functioning sports league someplace else while registrations were still open. I feel that they owe me a refund for both of my children's registration fees. Unfortunately I was told the only thing they can offer me is a credit towards a future sports season if I will even enroll my kids in sports here again!

Before I had my son I called the YMCA about two months ago inquiring about infant daycare. I left a message and NEVER received a call back. Then two weeks ago after my son was born I called again trying to get information about their daycare and still have NOT received a call back. I guess this is a sign not to go with them!