My Gym Northeast Columbia


We LOVE coming to My Gym! My son adores his classes and the instructors, and the extra socialization on his days out of school is wonderful for him. Plus, he has a BLAST!

My son and I have been attending My Gym since he was 4 months old. It was great for him to get out of the house and see and interact with other children his own age. The staff is all very friendly and knowledgeable, and you can really tell they care about each individual child. I really like that it's a safe environment for him to be active and explore. He gets to experience so many things that would be difficult to do (safely) at home - like climbing a ladder, walking on a balance beam, or going down the zip line. We even had his first birthday there and they did a wonderful job. They kept the toddlers moving and entertained the entire time - which would have been difficult to do at my house! They not only tailored the party to the age group, but customized it with things that my son loved doing during class. The best part was that my husband and I got to enjoy the party because the staff took care of everything (set up, cake service, clean up, etc). I would definitely recommend it.