Simply Fit


A response to Kenneth (aka: Chris Snowdog) Hello, This is Sean Kirkwood. I am a retired U.S. Marine and co-owner of Simply Fit. I would like to thank Kenneth (aka: Chris Snowdog) for his very colorful review. Though he meant it to discredit and slander our business, ironically I view his review as a testament to the fact that Simply Fit IS a family oriented fitness studio where we DO care about our “Fitness Family Members”. That is precisely the reason that we removed Kenneth from our premises and told him never to return. As you may be able to tell from his rambling review, Kenneth is an unstable person who I believe was actually a danger to our members. Several of our lady Fitness Family Members felt physically threatened by his presence and extremely offended by his “jokes”, Facebook postings and emails, as they were completely inappropriate in ANY setting. We will not allow anyone to treat our staff or our members as disrespectfully as Kenneth did then. He was removed the very next day after I found out about his behavior, and the remainder of his membership fee (prorated for the time that he had already used) was refunded to him as I discretely escorted him off of the premises over a year ago. Upon finding out about his removal, EVERY lady that was a member of Simply Fit at the time thanked me for looking after their safety by removing him. Since this episode, nearly 12 months ago, Kenneth has apologized for his behavior (which I accepted), and requested to be able to treat my wife and I to dinner to make up for his behavior (which I declined). Seeing that his rambling review was posted about a week ago, it appears that his mood has swung back from apologetic to slanderous again. Good people of the Summerville area, if you would like to experience high quality group fitness workouts and personal training services given by some of the best fitness professionals in the area, I invite you to come to our fitness studio and experience the Simply Fit difference for yourself. Thank-you. Lastly, as a Retired U.S. Marine, I take exception to you, Kenneth, for using our Marine Corps motto to close your review. If you had a sliver of the honor that it required to earn the right to use our motto and understand its meaning, you would be ashamed to attach it to such a package of lies as you have here. Shame on you Kenneth. Semper Fidelis, Dee and Sean Kirkwood (Semper Fidelis is Latin for Always Faithful. It is the motto of the United States Marine Corps.)

As a boot camp veteran, I love this place. The family/community atmosphere is what I like. Way better than the typical gym setting. Love Sean and Dee. Let's get fit together!