CrossFit Gainesville

I am a member at CFG because I feel it is the best facility of it's type in the area. I drive a half an hour each way passing multiple other fitness centers and CrossFit boxes on the way each day. The other places have the same gear and even seemingly similar programing. The coaches are just a cut above. They are constantly offering constructive feedback to ensure that I am maintaining form and working to improve my performance. Beyond the coaches, the experience I have with fellow members is second to none. I have added a whole set of positive, motivated, successful people to my life. They want you to succeed at your highest and they will help motivate you to get there (and still try to beat you). They will give you tips and tricks, talk about their experience and listen to yours. Quality people is the capital I measure my wealth by. I am a richer individual for having found the CrossFit community, especially those here at CFG.

CrossFit Gainesville is a great place with a great staff! I began training at CFG aboout 1 year ago as a 45+ year old executive and former high school and college footbal player that had not exercised regularly in over 25 years and with the challenges of a busy career, family, and other competing priorities had let myself go. So a year ago I was overweight and inflexible and I needed to regain my health. The CFG staff assisted me with performing baseline testing to determine my fitness level and then with developing an on ramp program. They helped me to hold myself accountable to show up and put in the work to achieve my fitness goals. Even with my busy schedule, they worked to create a schedule that worked for me. The classes were hard work but I was surrounded by others with the same goals. In the first several months, I was always the last person to finish the workout and was humbled after every class. It wasn't easy physically or mentally but they always encouraged me to hang in there and do my best. Many of the classes were filled with young people that were fit, but they always were encouraging and helpful. It was and remains motivating to be surrounded by healthy people that always cheer each other on every class. A year later, I can say that after attending consistently 2-3 X per week that I have lost almost 50 pounds, gained flexibility, and have the strength and stamina to do almost anything whether it be swimming & snorkeling in the Gulf of Mexico, squating over 300lbs or going for a 10K run. I'm no longer the last person to finish the workouts and have improved my fitness level tremendously. The membership fees are moderate but are worth every penny. I view it as an investment in myself. So it you spend most of your time on the couch, or are are fit and want to take your fitness to the next level, get up and get over to CFG!

CrossFit is the best fitness experience of my life. I wouldn't change a thing. I never get bored with any of the workouts because they always present a different challenge. I've been an athlete most of my life and CrossFit has proved to be the most engaging sport I have ever participated in. The people are great, the workouts are challenging, the coaches are phenomenal and you can't argue with the results.

Crossfit Gainesville is hands down an outstanding place to work out and make yourself better, healthier and stronger. The coaches take each individual's success very personally, and I've been super pleased with the technique coaching, the motivation, and the fun environment. Best way to describe it is a supportive, fun and challenging place to work out. Can't say enough good things about the other crossfitters as well, its a really great mix of people. Now that they are expanding the workout facilities, its just getting all that much more impressive. I'd highly recommend trying it out, you won't be disappointed.

I happen to find this place when I went for a conference in Gainesville. I think the way the place was organized and equipment that are there impress me. For the one week I was there, I got trained and kept fit by engaging in several challenges. The workouts unfortunately for me were difficult :). Its been long since I trained.