World Gym


I enjoyed the gym, but I felt like they were forever trying to squeeze more money out of me. When I have a membership, I want to feel like a member! First off, though they are a national gym, they are privately owned, so you can't use your membership at any other World Gym. Once I came without my barcode keychain, but they said they couldn't manually log me in (huh?), so I had to pay for a new code. When I moved to a different state, they said they couldn't cancel my membership. I had to call a service that gave me an address where I had to send a personal letter by certified mail, THEN I could cancel my membership. They made it seem like I was betraying them, which is weird because I was just moving. Overall, it was a great gym, but some weird management choices.

Gym and equiptment is fine. Customer service is awful. They are very unclear and deceptive about not only the cost of membership but also the way of canceling the membership. 100 dollar start up fee in addition to the 11 dollar monthly charge which is higher than the stated 9.99, and cancelling it requires written notice that has to go through all sorts of hoops, that they will not tell you about. Also, every 6 months they charge and extra 40 dollars, which you also don't konw about until you already sign up. Very annoyed with the customer service

Great Staff, New equipment and CLEAN. Really this is way more than I expected for a $10 a month gym.

I signed up to the Idaho Falls location, and got excellent customer service, and was told everything in the contract, I am month to month, those whom said you need to call the other company, they state that at start up that you need to call paramount to cancel your membership even a month to month contract... $10 a month you can not go wrong all the other gyms in I.F. want an arm and a leg just for enrollment, plus they bind you in a year or 2 contract where if you cancel in 2 months you still pay that whole year... World Gym does not do that... I liked how they do NOT force you into something you do not want!!! I specifically asked for what I have, and there was no hesitation or sales pitch to the $19.99 plan... I loved that about World Gym!! They don't force a plan on you that you did not ask for!! Plus they give you 2 free sessions with a trainer, I have not used mine because I already know what I need to do, but they are still available when ever I wish to take the opportunity up!! It is a smaller gym, however they do have a lot of equipment to keep you fit and in shape, and that is all that matters!!! Don't take other people opinions research the gym out for yourself, only you can be the one to judge if it's the right fit for your needs!! Edit: Where does these negative feedback come from? They state everything when you sign up, and on their website. It is 9.99 a month with tax $10.49 with enrollment fee if done online $84.99 in person $99. There is absolutely NO hidden charges, this is all told to you before you purchase the membership, and also the $42 once a year (due 6th month) to keep the price of $9.99 the same. They tell you to cancel a membership you need to call Paramount, and send a certified cancellation for a receipt for your records you sent it, and for whatever reason you may need prove. I do not get why all you complaining and rating this place down did not listen at sign up?! Every gym you go to is the exact same way, but other gyms bind you into a contract if you leave your left owing the remaining, World Gym does not do this to anyone!! And if you are charged it is because you did not send a certified letter to Paramount like your terms state to do to cancel!! Edit two:Sadly I discontinued my membership back in Feb, because I moved and the state I live in does not have World Gym :( The cancellation went smoothly, they canceled my account right then and there after I sent a certified mail. I read all these negative comments about cancellation, and I don't get it, because I had NO trouble canceling out, Paramount was VERY friendly and gave good customer service. Maybe these negative comments are from people whom had been late on their payments? Or just made up bad reviews?...

World gym is a good gym but their accounting company is the worst. Paramount Acceptance is horrible want more information just look them up. I agree with lonesome johnnie (below) they charge my debit card that expired 2 months ago and continue to charge it (I prepaid for 2 months with my old card before it expired). My payment was due Feb 5. and I enter my new information online Feb.6 and still got charged a late fee because they continued to charge my expired card for 4 days in a row even though my new one was in transaction. I'm trying to resolve the issue now and I guess we will see if it gets resolved for what I feel is their mistake.