CrossFit E3


CrossFit E3 is amazing! I have been doing CrossFit for almost five years and I have been at E3 for the past six months. I am consistently impressed with the professional environment and amazing trainers. The classes and training modifications allow both beginners and competitive CrossFit athletes to train in an environment that pushes them to achieve their goals. E3 also has some great perks like childcare, yoga classes, and a clean and organized environment with great equipment.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this place. When I was looking to get started six months ago, I searched out a couple of local CrossFit Boxes. I contacted another in Eagle and asked about referrals. I'm a sales guy, always looking for a deal. Initially, that's what I thought I wanted was a deal until I realized I was getting so much more than a CrossFit box with E3. The other box told me I could get Spark energy drink mix for referring clients. Come to find out, the energy drink mix is from an MLM company which is highly promoted at this other box. That was a complete turnoff. But here's what I got... At E3, I received a team of trainers who know what they're doing and coach you to do it correctly. They don't coach you to compete at the same pace or weight as everyone else or as prescribed. They coach you to do it at your level. They want to avoid injury, and I appreciate that they coach to my level. We warm up as a team, together as a group. We do the WOD as a team. We stretch after the WOD as a team. We are a team. Although we're individuals, we aren't individuals. The people at E3 have become my friends. I feel like they care about me and I sure care about them. We are a family. Something I wasn't prepared for when I signed up, but something I value today. Crossfit E3 in Eagle is the only CrossFit box I'd attend. It's my home...

E3 is a place where lives are changed and things you thought impossible are completely attainable!

The trainers at Crossfit E3 are super supportive, helpful and they were certified directly from Crossfit HQ. (Santa Cruz) I was surprised how open and inclusive everyone was the first time I worked out there, and you quickly feel like part of the gym's "family". I can't emphasize enough how much the trainers help you out, and they are extremely good at helping you learn new exercises and ironing out the nuances of all the movements, especially the more complicated Olympic lifts. I HIGHLY recommend checking Crossfit E3 out! Thanks guys! --Kyle