Stoney Point YMCA


Very disappointed. I went during their "adult members only" time period and when I got there it was great, besides the fact that a bunch of kids were outside the weight room for daycare. That didn't bother me much though, until a couple children- I'd say around ages 8 or 9- came in and got on the machines I wanted to use. Isn't it some kind of rule that children under a certain age can't be in the weight room without supervision? And if so, where was their supervision? Not to mention-like I said- it was adult only time. I had to wait for these little girls to stop running around and using the machines to continue my workout. They weren't even cleaning the machines after using them either. I got very upset over this because this was my first time getting back to the gym after being sick for a couple weeks and wanted to have a great workout, but I got so mad that I just left. This isn't the first time I've seen children unsupervised in there, disturbing my and others' workouts. Definitely can't wait to get a MAC membership, because I know this kind of crap doesn't happen there. Extremely disappointed. Children and weight rooms should be kept separate, end of story.

I love the ymca and yes their is a rule, kids 10 and under cant go in the workout rooms