CrossFit NapTown


I wish I started coming to this place a long time ago. I have been working out for a long time and consider myself to be in good shape, and coming here was a much welcomed challenge. Crossfit is not an easy workout but I can honestly say you get out exactly as much as you put in and I've never been able to say that about any other workout I've done. If you aren't familiar with certain techniques done, they will assist you until you get it right. My pre-conceived notions on Crossfit made me think the workout was extremely daunting, having seen the Crossfit games on TV. These workouts can be done by anybody, it can be scaled appropriately to your fitness levels and you can build up and you will quickly see results. The coaches and owners are amazing. They are all extremely knowledgable, amiable and enthusiastic. The community here is second to none. I've gone to different gyms before and have no interaction with the other people there, and not just your typical "gym" location. I went to a martial arts gym for a year, saw and interacted with the same people 2-3 times a week and 90% of them didn't even know my name (which at two short syllables is a very tall order) . You take the time to get to know the people you workout with and it creates a very friendly, supportive environment. You encourage each other and are happy for their successes just as they are happy for you. If you are looking for a fantastic way to get/stay in shape with a challenging workout that varies daily, then look no further. You owe it to yourself to take care of your body and Crossfit Naptown is the place to do it.

I have been going to NapTown for 6months now, and find it to be all the things you need a CrossFit gym to be. 1) Open and inviting: all the trainers take the time to help you learn the moves/constantly improve upon them in a non-intimidating manner. 2) Educated and knowledgeable: the trainers know their stuff, can (and will) help with any injuries or questions you have specific to your needs. They also pay close attention to good form, and value form over lifting heavier weights. 3) Clean and convenient: they have parking! It's never too crowded, and they have enough equipment for everyone. They also have clean changing rooms and facilities. 4) You leave exhausted (but not injured) after a great workout: They also have many solutions to scaling the exercises to your skill level, so it's never the case where you can't do something. You will always work your hardest, and everyone is very encouraging. They also have several payment options (drop in/punch card/membership). If you want to get strong, have fun doing it, and have the convenience of parking downtown, this is the place. Do it!

Had the privilege to be a full time member here for about a year while living in down town Indianapolis. Truly a fantastic community -- owners and staff take pride in providing an excellent fitness experience. If you have the opportunity or are curious about what exactly Crossfit is, GO TO CROSSFIT NAPTOWN. You will quickly find yourself surrounded by friends and reaching new fitness goals!

Folks here were a great help when I dropped in to do the open 15.1/1a workouts.

Overall, EXCELLENT experience, Knowledgable coaches, Clean equipment, and motivated members. When in INDY......GO TO Crossift Naptown!!