
BAD APARTMENT PEOPLE BE AWARE!!!! i regret staying there but am moving out soon

I lived in this apartment complex for 2 years, I just moved out in February (2014). To everyone that is interested in moving it, I strongly suggest you take pictures when you move in and when you move out. Before moving in, look at every inch and space of the apartment and write down anything that you see is damaged. make sure the doors close and lock, make sure all the windows have locks on them. have everything recorded and written down every time you speak with the apartment office and/or maintenance. After you leave they will go over that apartment with a fine tooth comb and if they find 1 single thing wrong, they will charge you.

They lie and take your application and deposit money and don't deliver the apartment when you need it. U have to chase them down just to get them to process your application. All that for a ragedy apartment in a bad area?? I'll pass....

these are the worst apartments I have ever lived in. the only reason that I am still here is because I love speedway schools. I have been here for three years and the managment has changed about four times. There are always problems with things in my apartment but tthis last incident takes the cake. I have not had electricity upstairs for two days! My family has been taking showers with a battery operated karen in the bathroom. I have called the office and gone over there at least five times. They finally got an electrician over here today about five o'clock while I was at work. Guess what? I came home and still I have know electricity! Of course its friday night and that probably won't get to out until monday, if then. The management is not concerned because its not affecting them. Well I have been looking up tenant rights on the internet and I have found that I have the right to have electricity (really). I have given them enough time to fix the problem according to indiana law, so in the morning I will be contacting a lawyer about my tenant rights being violated. Thank goodness my job provides free legal service!

They don't have maintance services. You call in or show up and put in an order for repair or service and it never gets done. You have to continue to be uncomfortable and pay for it each month..... It Sucks