Planet Fitness - Champaign, IL


I joined in December, when they have a special deal where you get a full year for $99. Just the basic plan, no extras, but that's all I need. Paid cash, so no credit card problems. They have free pizza (as much as you want) the first Monday night of every month, and free bagels and Panera coffee the second Tuesday morning of every month. Clean up on that stuff and you'll make your $99 back in food!

What kind of pathetic excuse of a gym doesn't let you deadlift and/or "grunt"? Ridiculous. They'd rather patrons injure themselves than make a little noise.

Place is generally clean. High volume times are pretty crowded, like most gyms. Locker room is small, but usable. Good price point, and for the money you do get a lot of machines, however, the "extras" are going to cost you and will quickly get you into a monthly cost much higher than the $10 advertised price. Typical upselling. My complaints is merely with the customer service. I don't know if I will be living in the area in the coming months, so on October 2nd I called in to see if I could cancel my membership. On October 1st I was billed my yearly fee. I was told I would not be refunded that money, even though I called within 24hrs of receiving that bill. If it was 6 months in to the year, or even two months into the year, I would somewhat understand, as I would have used the service and therefore I expect to pay. But paying a yearly fee for something I obviously will not get any use out of... well, that is poor customer service. Worst part is that I signed my "yearly" contract March 2013, so in fact I was a member for 8 months but paid (in total non-monthly fees*)as if I was a member for 24 months. Now, in the high likelihood that I am in the area and am looking for a gym, I will pass on this one. Not worth dealing with an "average" gym when this is their example of customer service.