Eastmoreland Courts & Racquet Club


Volleyball tournament....absolutely horrible parking, small concession....only several tables for more than 200+ people. Very disappointed.

One of the first times I entered the East Moreland tennis club I noticed a young man hacking off all of the limbs of large magnolia bush that framed the front of the club, thus making it look hideously butchered-this should have warned me about the place being your not so typical tennis club. A place that is always cutting corners at the cost of the members and not putting the dues back into the structure to modernize it. The staff is very sweet and courteous but many the members-especially the men are elitist and think their tennis is far better than it is. If you are a family wanting to play together-watch out -that is against the rules if you want to teach or coach your kids as a family activity! Even thought the place is empty and like a morgue most of the time. FAMILIES BEWARE-old guys here rule! Even though almost all of the tennis families do this even with ball hoppers-but just don't do it front of one of the old time players who think they are a 4.0 and are really 2.5-you see it is distracting to their game. I understand court etiquette but this isn't the US open either. Once outside I was playing and a couple of these same men were actually feigning to retrieve balls behind the bushes(un kept) as they urinated in tandem. Very nice manners as I could see them from my court. I offered to retrieve their balls unknowingly--I guess the men's room was too far away for them too bother before I noticed their little show There are dozens of mothers and fathers coaching their kids here at all hours of the day-which is a good thing but the club doesn't think so. The staff pro is hard to locate and is nice and unassuming. So much so that she can hardly be noticed. I felt that tennis was not really her priority-she really didn't sell her services. Possibly, this could be the management's fault of not promoting her or her talents or skills. It doesn't help that the pro was never their in the mornings or on weekends either only present on Men's and women's night. The physical courts inside are ok-nets are averagely maintained, the surface has minor blemishes. There is major flooding during the fall,winter, and spring time-rain that actually comes into the courts through leaks in from the ceiling and high water that rises from Johnson Creek! They eventually close the club when the flooding becomes too severe. There is some ice hazard too! The clay courts are horrible and too dry without any routine maintenance-you can play on the desert floor with better results. The indoor lighting is not so good on the non sky lit side-yes they have new lights-they make little difference compared to the dark. The ball machine is good but you must pay a $100 a year to use it. There is good access to water at the coolers which are always filled. The lounge and gym equipment are throw backs to the nineteen eighties-because they are actually that old! They are dangerously placed on the second floor and when is use vibrate the entire lounge area. The pool is a pool with a life guard on duty. Water seemed clean enough. Chairs around the pool area are old and decrepit as are the benches etc. The landscaping stops around the pool so you are actually in the woods with bushes overgrowing the decking that is falling apart with paint peeling. If you sit on the benches be careful of splinters! Their is unhealthy and over priced food served from a toaster oven along side of mediocre alcoholic beverages that all cost too much! The bathrooms are archaic but toilets were always clean. I would not walk bare foot or use the showers for fear of mildew on the carpets and shower floor. The prices are typical for any club. They have no website-or they lost their domain-they are stuck back in the pre web era. So don't bother searching for information on the web about them- This comment along with a few others are all you are going to find.